I once saw an old man at Dockyard Road station scream these words at the top of his voice, just as a police constable shoved him out of the train onto the platform. He had made the terrible mistake of trying to get into the ladies dabba of a late night train, and as the train started leaving I saw him bow his head and salute the dabba with all the sincerity he could muster. It seemed just right, the salaam from this drunk, tired man bidding the train that was probably on its last round of the day goodnight. The Mumbai locals pick up numerous stories and carry them station to station every day. Some of these have managed to come back with me. Here's hoping I have found them a home.
View BlogsThose of us who have been fortunate enough to have made friends with books at an early age know that there is a reservoir of comfort and happy memories in a cozy little corner of our minds. We find ourselves going back to this corner very often, to those wonderful illustrations that often spoke more than the words and created a language that nobody else would teach us. We are re-visiting some of them here, to try and understand what made them our favourites, if not to just say hello once again.
View BlogsI always believed that an illustration can be a very powerful tool. It can initiate another image, idea or story in your mind. I am not even talking about a professional, elaborate and ‘beautiful’ drawing here. Even a simple straight line on a blank paper will stimulate your brain. Since starting Art Apart, we participated in many art fairs around the country and met many wonderful people who reinforced my belief in this process of an illustration and its ever enduring journey. Here’s recounting some prized experiences over the last few years.
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