Hidden Tales

Hidden Tales is a set of 25 cards comprising 5 animals, 5 birds, 5 fish, 5 insects and 5 flowers. As we know all these beings are connected with each other directly or indirectly as they are all part of nature.

You can randomly pick any number of cards and try to make a story out of them. Make an effort to understand their relations with each another, what situations they will draw them meet, what kind of conversations will they have; and you are on your way to create numerous stories never heard or told before.

These cards work great starting points to create a story, or greeting cards, or a display of the entire series.
(Click on the the card to zoom in)

Size of each card: 5.5" x 5.5"

Price: 400/-

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Hidden Tales

Hidden Tales is a set of 25 cards comprising 5 animals, 5 birds, 5 fish, 5 insects and 5 flowers. As we know all these beings are connected with each other directly or indirectly as they are all part of nature.

You can randomly pick any number of cards and try to make a story out of them. Make an effort to understand their relations with each another, what situations they will draw them meet, what kind of conversations will they have; and you are on your way to create numerous stories never heard or told before.

These cards work great starting points to create a story, or greeting cards, or a display of the entire series.
(Click on the the card to zoom in)

Size of each card: 5.5" x 5.5"

Price: 400/-

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