Getting out of the city

Sitting in a car and driving through the traffic can become exasperating when all you see in front of you is an endless parade of vehicles and signals and buildings. But what a sense of release and liberation it gives you when you slowly make your way out of the city towards the highway and finally find glimpses of some greenery and some open landscapes. Find this transformation open out to you frame by frame through this accordion book

Size: 4.25" x 4.25"

Price: 100/-

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Getting out of the city

Sitting in a car and driving through the traffic can become exasperating when all you see in front of you is an endless parade of vehicles and signals and buildings. But what a sense of release and liberation it gives you when you slowly make your way out of the city towards the highway and finally find glimpses of some greenery and some open landscapes. Find this transformation open out to you frame by frame through this accordion book

Size: 4.25" x 4.25"

Price: 100/-

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